Montessori Curriculum


Practical Life

Practical Life exercises help to instil care for self, for others, and for the environment. Activities include many of the tasks children see as part of the daily routine in their home, such as pouring, buttoning, sorting along with exercises of grace and courtesy. Through these tasks, children develop muscular coordination, enabling movement and the exploration of their surroundings. They learn to work at a task from beginning to end, and to develop their powers of control and concentration.



In Montessori classrooms, reading is taught with the ‘phonetic’ method - learning the sounds of the letters in preparation for reading and word building.

Early Math activities help children learn and understand number concepts by manipulating tactile materials. This work gives children a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles.



Our Culture curriculum explores the areas of science, social studies, geography, art and history. Children are exposed to a rich, stimulating variety of work through hands-on learning. Working with the cultural materials help children become aware that they are part of the greater family of humanity.

Sensorial Materials serve as tools for development. Children build cognitive skills, and learn to order and classify impressions by touching, seeing, smelling, tasting, listening, and exploring the physical properties of their environment.